Considering the number of games, Manga, Anime, Light Novels, other stuffs to help my parents, I am starting to wondering if I can be a Dog, so I can don't count.... Woof. (*w* )
Adding Tales of Graces F which I grab with my clean hands yesterday, honesty, I almost forgot the time to sleep, and the Mass Effect 3 game.
Proving that it a good game, but due to the leveling and training in the game, I just simply forgot the time.
A thank to my friend, it seem like my clean hand is full at the moment, but I still enjoying since currently I got the spare time to complete the game, although I won't say much about Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Disgaea 4... blah blah blah.. (*x* ;;)
Though I don't feel easy if a chicken was to come up to me and telling me to take it easy, despite my house cat did say "Huh?" before.
Sometime, it seem Luck don't really play a part in game, especially in Mass Effect 3 where Ammo is all about.
But confirming that if one did not play beforehand Mass Effect 1 & 2, then one wouldn't be expecting much from Mass Effect 3, since previous game, with the previous choice make before will, in a big way, affect the "Perfect Ending" in the game though...

Not really an issue as they explain the details of what happening, but in Naruto 578, I surprised that the author summarized the whole battle of the war so far, into one cute page. (*A* ;;)
But I still waiting for other Manga though, which give me some time to do other stuffs instead.
Overall, I still think that when you do something for a while, the time past by very fast, but when you are staring blankly at the PC, 1 mins is like 1 hour/days... (*o* ;;)
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