It look very cool and nice, and good thing is that the picture fit in nicely to my wallpaper and cover page in both Facebook and Blogger.

Not really an otaku after I take a look, but just some one who look very different, when many can guess nowadays.
If one was to say just a little is more than enough, than I guess this apply to this girl, and maybe to the boy. Σ(゜ロ゜;)
It more like a gag manga, with simple drawing, and if you are interested, you can take a peek into it. (@Batoto)

And surely enough, both of them just had to do the famous Bared-hand Blade Block.
Though I wouldn't say about STR being unarmed after knowing how her arms can do.. ∑(O_O;)
And I doubt I'll will come out alive after taken a peek under hoody?( ̄□ ̄;)

What make me surprised is just how much details did they went into for the costume to make actually, and I did say I will cosplay just once, maybe as Darth Vader, if I got the costume... (/ω\)
Still, after taking a peek at this photo, don't you want to play back RO? (`・ω・´)”
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