Tekken Taggu Tōnamento 2
Tekken Taggu Tōnamento 2
Series - Tekken
Developed and Published by Namco Bandai Games
Directed by Yuichi Yonemori
-Xbox 360
-Wii U (Nov / Dec 2012)
[3D Fighting Game]
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(Credits - Photo-Taken from GameFAQs)
If you're looking for another 3D fighting Game apart from DOA 5, then you can considering grabbing this Tekken eighth installment, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, which pretty much got me Sparkly Eye Activated.
Tekken is another 3D fighting Game which been one of my favorites, but I was never very good in this good, especially when I play against other players over at the Arcade.
Console wise still good since I set the difficulty level lower, but other than that, I pretty much enjoy this game, next to DOA series.
This time, this game pretty did many big Leap changes to the game, which I would consider grabbing this game, and play for the fun out of it. Well, I do play fighting game next to Role-playing Game.
Unlike it previous Tag Series, this game allow 3 Mode, 2-on-2, 1-on-1 and 1-on-2.
So it depend on whether one Team is going Tag or Solo, which is a good choice of addition which previous version is mainly Tag Team only.
But don't worry about 1 going on 2. This Game is balance in which the Solo fighter health will drop slower and recover some life.
Not bad for covering the Soloist up for this game, but for Tag Team, you can play the Team yourself, or really team up with your friend by choosing one character each and tag in the game.
Bad point is both must be ready to be tag in and fight, but it still good since both players can fighter together in the team.
Just having those Mode right off the bat had earned my praise for creating this nicely Battle style.

The Stage Field is pretty much clear with nice scenery, but it do not have much Stage Interact like DOA 5 where a Battle Tank can shoot a bomb at you between the fight.
But you can still break the ground on the tower to let both characters fall down or throw them into the water and get them wet. There are some improvement in the graphic and animation, especially on the Environment FX.
Since the Clothing condition alters in real-time with water & dirt effects, the characters and their clothing will really get wet from the water unlike previous Version when fighter take a swim, and still can turn out dry.
Another to add on is the Characters Router, Normal Human fighting can be consider normal, and if you think those DOA Series Fighters are imbalance, then you will need to take a look into this.
With every characters having their own characters slot, now you can choose to fight using Kangaroo or Panda, and they sure pack a punch on it.
Not enough? They even got a very pretty Angel, a Cool Demon, and I did say the words "FML" when I saw some other characters like Ancient Orge and Cyborg / Robot characters. Well, it's a "Frictional" game, so there bond to be "Frictional" Characters.
There is 2 more things which going to make this game very interesting, and that is the Customizing the Appearance and Move Set of the Game Characters!

Can! Just go over to the Customizing and start to create the best fighters ever. You can custom and edit the Move Set of each Characters to fit your own Game Style in this fighting Game. Or you can just let everyone use the same Move.
Another which I almost forgot to mention, almost similar to DOA 5, during the Tag Battle, Characters can tag in and do a combo move together. But Tag Combo Move is different from normal move, and it also seem that there are some Specify Tag Team which can use Secret Combo Move.
As there not much in-sight shown in this Move Customize part, I can't say much, but I would say this is a very unique system to a 3D Fighting game, which I doubt one can find in other game easily.
And another interesting Customizing is that you can dress your Character to anyway you want your characters to look like.
Well, this System is not new to some Players / Gamers who played Soul Calibur Series, and don't expect any Copyright fighting like what happened between Apple and Samsung.
Both Soul Calibur Series and Tekken Series are developed and published by the Same Company.
But it because it by the same company, I would say that this new addition features to Tekken is going to make this game even more fun.
DOA 5 may have costumes, but they are fix to that design, though I would say they look very nice.
But this game seriously going for the overkill, and letting Players choose to customize the costume they want on their characters.
Now one can have their Favorite Female looking cute like a Neko girl and edit some of the move set for a whole new level. Then you can show off your characters when fighting over at the Online Battle Match.
If you got more than 1 Game Controller, you can play with your family or friends. Or you can play alone on the Story Mode, Time Attack, Arcade Mode or even Vs CPU.
You may train and practice yourself over the training Mode to improve your skills on this game.
Well, most Fighting Game got Practice Mode, and I tend to abuse the Mode a lot! Well, I did think of grabbing both Tekken and DOA together and trying it out.
As far as I peeked, do you want to fight it out with your Tag Team Partner or going Soloist against other Fighters ranging from Normal Human to Animals, Gods and Robot in Tekken Tag Tournament 2?
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