they wouldn't be so kind to even come up with numbers..
like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...
if got is damn gg or super lucky~
but i think i put up on 4 different day for now..
becos i too lazy to post 4 in a days
Day 21
ok so i been a little late on saying some manga...
but let see some favr manga of mine...
they on one manga so...
and most manga are out on Friday or Saturday..
Bleach -97

so ..
the flashback is finally over...
but still i thought they can go on more on some stuff...
look like i wrong den..
but who would have know some Soul Reaper have Hollow power...
and live so long...
and seeing on their government..
they sure should have kill those old head lol..
but even still i wonder if the number is countdown to the final of bleach..
since they are onto the final battle...
but just to see first..
just have to wait and also predict to amuse ownself..
i do hope when those Soul Reaper hollow say they indebt to Aizen, the mastermind
dun mean they going to help him..
still i can't consider the manga and anime together...
because they got some same storyline...
but at the same time very very different..
anyway i still like bleach...
it very interesting manga..
Naruto 405

they finally just say Jiraiya is dead..
but he die long ago and yet many ask me how he die =-=|"
i wonder if they just read the recent one and to forgot the old one...
i like to set question of anime or manga depend on old chapter...
well why i set the questions?
look at for me on some groups..
u wouldn't find me if u dun know lol...
ok back to naruto
so now...
look like they will honor Jiraiya but i wonder they know
Sasuke is going to attack Konoha...
look like sasuke really going worst...
dun even want to go back...
wonder what gonna happen next..
One Piece 504

and what gonna happen ..
well luffy hit one of the world noble..
and i just like it when he the only who dare to do it...
seeing that a threat...
the marine going to be mad..
but i wonder what new weapon they got..
and at the same time ..
so many pirates captain at that island...
those who fight..
sure are strong..
and those who stay ...
will have show to watch...
and sure they have guts to even stay lol..
for those who run...
are cowards..
i just want to wonder more..
and see what might happen next week on onepiece...
and let not forgot the anime too...
Inuyasha 558

it ended..
what going to happen to the author..
maybe new works..
after long and Inuyasha being one of mine favor and first manga to start reading..
it ended..
i know many manga ended at the final battle...
and the ending is a good one too..
i just like it..
after all this happening and those..
the couples are together...
and i saying Inuyasha and Kagome
the problem is i dun think kagome can go back to her world anymore..
but at least she is happy with inuyasha..
and it a very good story...
it just bad that one of mine favr manga is ended..
and i just have to remember this manga...
by putting the manga i buy nice in the bookshelf...
and let see...
about 50 plus vol...
it alot ..
dun u think?
D.Gray-Man 163

i think this chapter might gone bit overboard..
but man i still liking it..
and also i dun think they are showing something just more worst than the noah attacking the Black order..
but having a ghost to TOTALLY defeat the whole...
what might happen next is up the author...
she just the Earl..
so evil when in our eye..
and yet so kind when trying to do the manga XD
anyway i wonder after all this ...
because the way i look...
only General Cross is left..
and sure he left..
i really hope someone..
anyone or anything come out and help the black order...
because i can't believe that a ghost can defeat all the purpose of the moving of the headquarter..
at least this chapter have gone someway..
if not i will scratch my head and wonder...
or just laugh it off for the rest of my day for that day...
what i talking now....
Days 22
i think we most understand that after manga is anime..
and sometime the other way around...
but i dun want to talk too much on this...
let see...

Watch Anime Online

Watch Naruto Online

Watch Bleach Online

One Piece Episodes
although some of the eps can't be watch..
becos they are removed..
but just watch them if u really want to see anime instead of manga...
and they are there for u watch...
and just watch them anyway...
i watch them a bit late that week...
becos i was busy...
so that day was just watch anime on-9...
Days 23
so i have to go to sch...
and just to know our game project must have a video sample..
so as to show something before we show our game..
like some trailer..
i use Frags...
but man a few min use up a few GB...
very crazy..
but just to get a good score..
anyway after that i was not feeling well..
but i got good resistance in holding up thing..
the weather is weird ..
isn't it?
and also i wonder....
but i can get sick easily due to weather change or extreme weather..
i go army sure get sick more one..
i just have to take more rest....
and maybe more water..
Days 24...
tml i need to go to school to do some project..
and what i did today ci~?
maybe just some more stuff on mine works and assignment..
and dun ask me more on them..
i have to study for my repeat courses too...
just hope they set easy for me..
the lecturer say he want me to pass..
so ...
last year liao...
so what?
ok think i show some stuff i do for fun...
just for fun and boredom...

nothing much..
and also i playing some games...
PSP Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness...
it good to play some game...
relax ci~
think i talk enough for today...
later i back to reading manga and sleeping...
Bye and Good day~
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