Been to Culture Japan Night Singapore 2013 to have a little peek this time around, it was held at the same place as last year, Kallang Theater.
Unlike last year CJ Night SG, there isn't much talk, since Danny Choo was very busy, and unable to invite more guests.
Even so, the main purpose of having comrades meeting up, and exchanging networks, and making new friends.
For me, this years the contents aren't much, but I still enjoyed myself, since I get to go for some peeking.
I did grabbed a free ticket pass at AFA 2013; by buying their T-shirts. But though the events host in the afternoon, I did gotten bit late due to stuffs needed to be done in the morning.
But at the very least, I was able to make it the events, and get to peek at some interesting content.
The same hall as last year, not very big. But it isn't small either. And maybe due to the reason that I went there once before, I was able to find the place easily.

Normally, one need to pay 5 buck to get pass the entrance, but since I got a nice T-shirt brought from them at AFA SG 2013, I was able to step in for free.
And was greeted by 2 Ninjas, who also got some nice stuffs on sale too.

Since there still some T-shirts, there are some who didn't bought at AFA, can buy their Mirai T-shirt and they also got other stuffs like MoeKana / MoeKanji too.
Also seem posters are on sale.

Display of the T-shirts and Poster.

Mirai Line Stickers still being promote. Well, it's cute, isn't it?

Mirai Banner are also placed up.

Ninja Equipment set up for presentation.

Despite having just a few guests for this year, the turnout isn't bad either. There are many comrades who came down just to get more social, having more networks, and getting to know more comrades.

There even tables set up for players to play MoeKana. It also seem there some fresh water up for grabs too.

Danny Choo talking with Good Smile Company Representative.
What they were talking were how they can work with Singapore in regards to their products, in which interested fans/comrades can join.
But there seem to be a test needed before they can start. Application also need to be done with them before anything can be. Good thing was that I also went for Culture Japan Night Singapore; I also applied for it.
Just need to wait to see how it go.

Also seem that C.D.S (Collateral Damage Studios) also have their little interesting talk, from how they start from free-lancer group of artist who like drawing, till now, having drawn for IE cute mascot which showcased at AFA SG this year.
They also got their little booth down here, which some books up for grab.

Finally, it Danny Choo showing a bit more of his stuffs and works.

Nice drawing of Drawing with Mirai and her gang at Japan. It seems that Mirai is now also official mascot for Japan Tourist company, and that Mirai will be appearing more on Japan Map.
Well, I do hope that the map is up for grab next year, since I did planned a trip to Japan.. But not sure when myself. (=x= |||)

It also seem that Danny Choo like to use "Ninja" on people with great "abilities". So in order to let people how great of a Ninja master he is, he use "Shadow Hands" Jutsu; Moving his hands so fast that my camera can't capture it.

Last guest to have some little talk is the organizer, Mr Shawn, for AFA also appear at CJ Night SG himself.
Well, need to thank him for making this year AFA SG a nice and great event. Interestingly, he also here to have a short "business" talk with Danny Choo.

While the talks was ongoing, representatives from Good Smile Company start to take in application, and at first I wasn't aware of it.
Did chat a little bit with them, and did show them this blog. (+_+ !!)
I do post and blog on my figurines, and I do have few cute Nendoroids myself. So unexpectedly, they asked me to apply and try. Well, I will try to give it my best for the test.

But since they also come down, take their cool pictures too.
Did brought along Mirai and Miku Nendoroid for the Peeking Session this time, and since it all about Good Smile Company, of course they need some cute Nendoroid with them. (^u^ )

Also taken one with them myself too.

Collateral Damage Studios showcase some nice pictures here, on top of their book, which showcase their drawings.

Hmm.. Firefox also targeted?
But I had to admit that the firefox girl look cute. (*w* !!)

Since this Culture Japan, Mirai need to appear.

Costume of their IE mascots, Inori Aizawa

Last years there were many many lovely dolly, this year, there are some dolls, like Danny's daughter and Fujiwara Yukino.
This year, however, seems like there more figurines than dolls, and Nendoroids on top of that. Well, why say no to cute Nendoroids when they are just so cute?
Well, I like the display at the end, when initially, there isn't much Nendoroids and dolls. Not sure how, but many of them just mysteriously appeared out of no where.
Maybe small Titan?

Miku and her gang in theirs Nendoroids Mode

As you can compare, the amounts just mysteriously increased a lot

Cute Expression

And the Same Expression Trio

There even Saber figma in the gang

Fujiwara giving her appearance.
Wonder what her reports will be..

Danny choo's daughter, and it seem like she going to report on CJ Night Singapore too.

Good Smile Company also showcase what their incoming Nendoroids series too.
Don't they look cute too?
Even the gigantic Titan.

There are cosplayers who appear here, and one cosplaying Miku down here.

There is a MoeKana card tournament with attractive prize. They got 16 who going to compete, and top 8 get to have prizes.

Counting the result isn't easy for the Judges too.

They sure draw in a crowds, and the battle sure is hot... or was it the room being too hot with so many people?

Seem like there another card battle here, though there isn't any prizes here.
The C.D.S and Good Smile Company was gone by this timing. Well.. more people did start coming in, despite a few going off.

Like I said, the place also meant for comrades to gather and interact with each other. Well, Social Networks is indeed important.

There even some who decided to sit down on the floor since there were enough space around.

Also seem that there are some who also went for CJ Night SG to grab some T-shirts and stuffs.

Another comrade who is a cosplayer appear down here. But at that time, I thought he was a monster hunter who showing off his trophy of a demon head.
That actually his "helmet"

The hall really got enough space to hold a running tournament.. just kidding. (=x= ||)

Danny Choo defacing his comrades stuffs, ranging from posters to T-shirt. It also a good time to have a nice photo of two with Danny Choo himself.. Well, I did mentioned that I didn't take with him at AFA SG 13, so I taking it with him here. (=x= ||)

The queue is kind of long.. isn't it?

There are some space time enough for Danny's fan to have a little chat with him.

Also, it seem there is a interview with Danny. (*o* !!

Before Good Smile Company Representative left, they did left Danny Choo with a little small gift.

And it a yet to release Figma of Makise Kukisu

Danny Choo use his Ninja's Shadow Hands no Jutsu to deface my book of signatures.

Instead of 2 of us taking a photo, of course Mirai Nendoroid need to be in the Photo. Isn't she just cute?

Well, enough of that, that the prize giving for the MoeKana Tournament start.

Well, it seem that the top 8 Winners get a Figma each, which they had all travelled and been used in Culture Japan Booth, so of course there may be a few that loses their arms or legs.

After the whole events and time to wrap things up, the comrades of course need to clear up the chair. At least it give Danny and his crew easy time off.

Well, the main reason for many comrades to stay back was to have a group photo for him.

Free posters were given too, if they were able to grab one themselves. For me, I did sneaked one using my Shadow Hands no Jutsu, after learning from Danny.

Even comrades are leaving in an orderly manner.

Those who still want Danny to deface their stuffs, stay back and get into the queue.

One comrade here very happy with his newly acquired defaced by Danny choo poster.

The queue here is also very long.

Well, since there isn't anyone who cosplaying as Mirai, so I decided to let Mirai Nendoroid become Titan Mirai.

And of course Danny get to have a nice photo shot with Titan Mirai himself.
(Permission asked personally before taken, and tweeted to the photo later that day)
But of course there are photos that I taken and they do good nice. Really seem like Titan Mirai appear with Danny today.

And now for Titan Mirai to ... attack Danny Choo!!

Danny choo isn't aware that there is a Titan Mirai behind..

Well, enough for now, since I did enjoyed myself. Thanks to Danny Choo and his crew, and the special guest for making Culture Japan Night Singapore 2013 one nice place to have my Peeking Session.

Over and Out!
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