really a long day...
and also a short if i can think of it another way...
today short post again....
but now...
let see....
so finally read and see the 8-days finish...
but if i can use the time to read my manga instead....
anyway i finish up on Rosario + Vampire vol 1....
but let see here

but if u can it clearly....
den i can say i like this part more..
and try clicking it to check anyway...
it my favr part...
funny u meet a girl..
who a vampire....
want to wipe off the blood on your nose...
and instead of doing that...
choose to bite on your neck...
and suck your blood...
but the way it express...
i do not want to have that type of relation...
that is on blood sucking term anyway XD

but so wait for the vol 3...
but still....
break time is up and now....
time for studying...
very sad must study...
but that the way to get good grade in written test....
so for now...
and for me...
is to study and review more on the source coding and understand...
why i say that?...
i meet an old friend during the path at school(poly)
funny i meet him not by chance but my gem classmate...
he say he go hi to someone..
when that guy turn...
can't be surprised at all...
but since he free...
we two go food court 3 to eat...
both of us are brothers ma...
let me say the name in the case some one misunderstand me...
Lik Hang is an old classmate during sec school....
but ....
finally speak of the devil...
trust me....
my lecturer Mr Alvin Tang saw me at there ..
(just when i turn my head and saw him....(=-=''))
den he go buy some drink ....(just when my frend go buy something to eat)
he come and have a talk with...
sure can say speak of the devil ...
cos i was chatting with my friend on i having to study very hard for my test...
and say my teacher sure one strict teacher if u dun care....
and just...
just that strict word....
saw him....
when i go back home play 1 short dota battle-net...
that game sure not fun...
all scold here and there..
backdoor here and map hack there...
i have to just play the game...
what i use?....
sure enough got repel very gay and easy to use....
and with the degen aura..
a bane elemental can only run...
but it do anything...
and with a earth shaker there...
all stun is all fun...
use repel he den use ultimate...
i was also wonder why shadow fiend use ultimate when i have repel...
all want to ONLY use spells on me...
when repel can stop them...
i was laughing when i see a bane charge in...
i use repel....
den go and hit him...
he do nothing...
den run...
can't outrun...
den ...
den it whack me a few hit...
it die with a earth shaker coming too and let me kill him again zzz
repel last 20 sec with 20 sec cool down...
if careful enough...
can dun be hit anyone...
even a phantom assassin want to blink strike also hard...
so let see...
i die also in gang anyway....
so can't talk big zzz
briefing for...
the diploma during open house for Singapore Polytechnic ...
i have to tell the teacher my name ...
cos she mistake me for 2 person....
my is yong yao...
short form is YY...
she mistake the pronoun and CALL me wai wai zzz
i HAD to explain the reason for YY....
if not i be helping for 10am to 6pm zzz
but man i can't what i heard when she call him when i at home....
what was it?..
she call me yong yao first...
den say sign me on YY zzz
i was wondering whether she was saying wai wai or Y Y zzzz
and some word just for fun...
A E I O U ... All End In Ordinary University
Bag ... Bad And Good
Shot ... She having ordinary tea zzz
Pit ... Progress Is Terminated
Had... Having A Dog....
anyway that all for now zzz
so i very tired ...
Dun care..
Heck care..
Anyhow care....
G D T A ! (~-*)(")
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