really see...
2 assignment more to do...
2 is done....
today handed in....
2 of them anyhow do....
trust me...
u do not want to know...
anyway i not good in doing java much...
should have chosen other....
but so far for the dream....
look like it going to crash...
but so far sure taking a bad turn...
even jumping off the 2nd floor is not helping..
look like i have about going 1 month not going to blog...
but think today blog....
look like i dun have the spirit or mood to blog at the holiday...
but for today...
think i write more ...
just to cover up what i been doing....
but i think i may have forgotten many thing during the pasting days....
so now for the blogging! ^-^''
let see....
ah yes...
first of all is that Singapore Arts Central Anime
D-Gray Man.
same week telecast as Japan..
and if u seen to miss it....
den check the D-Gray man in Crunchyroll!
as for the Naruto one....
dun ask....
think the new one will only out in 10 jan...
just a few days...
but sure if you check the 40-41 ep out...
the day it out is long go...
but i dun wanna go into that for now...
oh by the way...
check out some new anime that Random Curiosity
on what new Anime it showing...
for me?....
like the anime den the manga....
so far for now i like the new series...
Rosario Vampire....
well.... it very nice...
but if you go too far into thinking of the pervert part...
while it a very show to watch...
i go to Lot 1 comic Connection to check on the manga one...
but lucky that shop big bro know me
(call uncle is very me(^~*)")
tell me that he got 7 out of 10 ...
the book series is 10 and is all out...
while is on season 1...
season 2 is out now on this year....
i think so anyway....
and 6 of the 7 i buy...
all left 1 each...
did i say that he hide them? (>-<)(b)
just take the vol 10 and ask him...
den he say he got some only...
haha... i lucky
so i just take all of them....
at one go...
and he also say that the manga coming out on coming Friday...
so i think that once the anime out...
people going for the manga.....
just like the D-Gray Man....
dun ask....
even big sis(that comic shop again (=~=))
say that most people only know the anime first den the manga...
but so what?
just earn the money =x
just because only the anime somehow make the manga look more better
and that for some....
manga is still pictures...
anime is moving pictures....
so we understand anime more than manga...
but for me...
i take a long time to read the manga la..
because i imagine it and understand it den know what is happening...
not like one of my uncle...
give him 5 min and he read 1 comic finish...
but he dun even know what happening...
yet my father like manga too..
and for anime...MUST have mandarin or he dun understand japanese anyway..
oh all talk no pictures....
here the pictures of the new manga/anime that i took a liking currently (^~^)(b)
cant take all 7 cover at one...or this post be long and all picture...
so for now....
1 day 1 picture...
so tomorrow i show the second one...
and see the i got 7 of them..
but i need to buy vol 4, 7 and 9
anyway dun ask me what happen...
not going to read it yet...
still got many other manga not done finish....
now maybe after the Chinese New Year then i go Ikea
for what?
buy new book shelf liao...
so now going to clean and clear my room...
Big Cleaning time....
it basic in Chinese traditional....
cant do cleaning in for 15 days....
in China i was told by my cousin that he never shower or bathe for 15 days...
man i wonder how he hold on to his smell....
and dun ask how many relative i got...
u really dun wanna know anyway...
also do i seen to forgot many things....
let me see ...( again *-*'')
do u like Zodiac?
if so...
what is your Zodiac?
mine is Taurus for western and Snake for Chinese..
by the way do you know the western Zodiac each of the 12 have some stories?
think i show you the pictures here XD

the first one is the 1000 pieces of Jig Saw Puzzle
and it is very nice XD
see the color very good but it is luminous
but too bad the picture turn out not nice so i not putting it in...
right 1 is the close up and i think you can see the 12 Zodiac more better....
how long did i finished it?
24 hours.
at New Years Eve..
and i not joking it anyway...
it so nice that i dun...
sleep or eat or shower or even take break including toilet break....
so in New Year it is done (>_<)(V)...
but at new year eat seafood...
really bad choice....
sick and stomachache for the week (-_-'')(P)
let see...
my bed....(>.>)")
A Teddy Bear....
SO CUTE !(>~^)b)
someone bought for me >_<|''
dun ask who =_="
but when you look at it...
so soft and so cute..
it just sooooo good!
i gone a bit too off....-_-''
and for me...
what i bought...
just something else....
D-Gray Man...3 sets
a ring, a pin and a necklace
of cos it very cheap la...
and so nice...
keep for collection(>.<")
and what this...
it got some Chinese words...
but i not saying what it write anyway
but another necklace too
and it is under Tsubasa Chronicle (~_^)
just a part of a wings...
but so what i buy those...
wear them?..
maybe other one that i choose...
but for some is that i keep for collection...
i a collector too..
so i got things i need to take some time cleaning and clearing so i can keep them
and first thing before cleaning....
is that my table is going to be the first to be clean and clear!
but it get pile up very easy anyway (=_-|")
some example that need to be clear is posters...
taking them down from my walls....
and for the zodiac picture...
of course not going to out the way i show above....
but after cleaning up my room
i putting that picture up...
so now my walls is now very clean and clear ...
but not so clean =S
so far for the pokemon poster XD
but i need to take them all down...
and take the poster from the plastic wrappers...
cos they are dirty and need to throw away...
so i have to buy some new plastic wrappers and Blu-tacks
and a bit more...
cos maybe i get some more new posters!
did i say that the Zodiac jig saw puzzle cost me S$120?
never mind....
should think of every cents and dollars worth (^-*)(b)
ever whether why posters need to be clean?
it just need to make sure that the poster dun get dirt
and so it can last longer....
some posters are my favor and they might not be sold anymore....
i forgot that i buy another this month Co-Co...
anyway i buy monthly anyway....
and not like some other manga need some time which is more than 1 month then they are out
too good that i still haven't finish reading them yet...
i check out on mangahelpers on whether they got new update or now..
but too bad no shouen jump till 18th Jan...
so have to wait but still why wait....
start to continue reading the manga i got at home now....
and for the green book...
it my zodiac book...
just to check myself up XD
wanna know more?...
dun bother.. (really)
think i dun write for too much...
i need to sleep early anyway...
maybe leave the more to tomorrow....
and i sure forgot many things once i sleep...(=_=)
but still i still need to sleep (-_-) zz
think that all for now....
Dun Care...
Heck Care...
Anyhow Care! (*~^)(")
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