cos when i was about to cont...
Nature call...
the call which 1 can not dun ans...
u ask me i ask who?...
when u want to go to the bathroom....
u go....
if u can hold back...
she will still call again..
until u can hold back....
how many times i gone to bathroom due to Nature call...
i wonder...
so tired to remember...
think is 3 times...
dun ask me why the nature want to talk to me...
i wonder y too....
then i have drift the topic off so far...
how far?...u ask?...
ask again i be drift until very far...
how to drift?...
if u can drift in Singapore den say....
dun care what i write earlier...
i been drifting too far....
anyway just clearing some clothes in my warehouse =x
OK it just a small wardrobe XD
now the air at night is cool and bit fresh...
later i going to bath again...
got i itching all over....
anyway back to what i want to post for now
elearning is over but i think i like never do any of the work =-=''
but if say dun care heck care anyhow care is like a bit off as a excuse zzzz
anyway need to study and do some assignment as fast as possible and if not i
be a totally dead meat...
so now trying to do as fast as i can =-=...
what i done during this week...
i wonder....
go out play...
go out buy things...
buy new clothes...
play games....
do some assignments....
study some works...
other den this i NEVER do any elearning.....=-=''
like this can crazy and mad like hell!!!!
now go bath then go sleep
den tomorrow do some more works....
anyway new words to look out are...
Bot....Bathroom Over There!
Rot....Really Over There!!
Tot(short term for thought).....Television Over There!!!
Sot.....Shit Over There.....or....SEX OVER THERE!!!!(a bit off ....)
OT>>>> is OVER THERE!!!! XD
Wot...Working Over time....Washer Over There!!!!
and Mot...ME OVER THERE!!! XD
ok enough joking around....
Pic to show ....
Dun use this pic for other purpose like saying other races.
cos i AM NOT a racist...
but the monster IS!!!

I wonder if i can found some more what other monster like to say ...
so that for all for now..XP
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