today got play...
today got bath...
today got clean room...
today got eat...
today got blog...
write what?...
today sooo sian...
but morning got rain..
so whether so nice...
wake up at 12noon..
now 730pm...
let see...
this 7hr plus got do many thing and all done very fast..
today wake up bath...
must be Clean!
or be smelly XS
den after that so hungry
and YEAH!
grandma's fried rice XD
2 serving and man i so full today...
and now too..
go to lot 1 with my sis and her bf to eat pizza ...
i pay...
waste $70 T-T
big hole in the pocket...
after got sushi my sister want to eat..
another hole....
today go broke so fast..
tml must go withdraw some money....
want to see my sis?..
she dun let me take pic of her..
and here the proof...
run away from me while dragging her bf....-_-
very blur...
cos i was running after them....
but full stomach cant run..
almost vomit out the pizza i just ate..=-=''
so never mind...
can trap her in the lift...
use him as a shield....
so shy....XS
but dun care about her anymore..
at home eat sushi after that..
eat pizza use $70 and she say she not full...
so waste another $12 to eat sushi...
buy at the NTUC....
and today whether so nice right?...

so nice and clear..
just think love this weather...
but i like rain sometime...
clear is better XD
what a nice day to go and play...
but today...
dota at home.....
act depression again....
but hate staying at home sometime...
so go out lor....
today play dota use same hero....
use same build....
use same static...
and same still win.....
here the link....
the previous that time never link..
here is this...
you can see...totally the same...
dun wan to see nvm... i say the thing out le anyway...
say i play more ..
i wonder....
tomorrow test....
so bored...
later need to see some of it again...
hope can just pass...
den i be happy...
but later....
need to relax cos..
now i am still too full to do anything much....
later need to take a shower again...
today eat 2 meal like eat more than that...
so bloated now...
take shower like 3 time already and later is 4 times...
play 1 game so bored so after that stop..
play battle-net dota for 1hour plus...
than revise for 2 hours...
later going to read again...
just now give my fan a bath too....
see it so clean and nice XD
Fan is soooo clean!! XD
now the breeze is so nice now...
when got dirt dun have the wind..
now it so nice ~_~
k that all for today...
i wonder...
dun wonder now....
the fan now is so nice...
want to relax and enjoy the wind...
Dun Care~
Heck Care~~
Anyhow Care~~~!~~
G~D~T~A~!~ (~_~")("")
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