so today very very stupid lol..
but ok ok lor
i saying myself la...
lol zzz
anyway today morning wake up go watch Iron Man Movie again lol..
stupid ler...
so lot 1 watch but..
nvm la
so funny..
the stupid thing is i the only one laughing now lol
felt so stupid lor...
think maybe is cos lot 1 not much ppl there ba..
but i go watch with my sister and her bf lor..
yes we 3 only..
who u think is miss 4?
=-= zzz
anyway today buy some stuff lor..
and i tot contact lens this week come ....
go ask them they say maybe next week..
so sian..
wait and wait ba..
becos when my lens out my dad also gonna get his new specs..
when he strike 4-D want go get new specs..
he want go make new one..
but he picky too lol...
he say he not picky but is he?
lol... no wonder my sister also so picky in food la..
alway ask me cook cook cook zzz
say she might want be a cook ..
ask me for my cooking recipes ...
when teach her... she dun listen =-=|"..zz
somemore dad mother and i can cook la..
but my ah ma(grandma) very worry i cook lol..
keep saying i can't cook ...
when show her...
she ask me how come i can cook =-=..
oi oi ..
i cooked eggs at about my primary 2 or 3 liao ..
and very delicious some more lol...
i a natural cook?
dun say that...
i not even a cook lol..
just know how to cook lol..
so today on the menu's..

use the right amount of water to cook it...
den put the spaghetti into cold water
den let the number be cooked at low heat with lot of water and the spaghetti
den cover and leave it..
cook till the spaghetti "grow" big and fat lol..
and the cream?
Campbell Soup lol...
Chicken Cream with mushroom hehe
use about 3/4 can of hot water..
some pepper..
bit of sugar..
just a little bits of cooking oils..
keep stirring it and cook at medium heat till it show bubbles...
den turn to low heat and stir for about a min or 2...
den mix butter with a 1 1/2 spoonful of olive oil
and 1/2 spoonful of cooking oil..
and mix those to the spaghetti...
den add some meat or ham or egg ...
den pour the soup...
dun forgot to spread them...
by the way...
see the pic ..
that tray..
use 1!!!
dun have?
just to make sure they mix well...
if right..
there will be no soup left lol..
cos it will be a cream lol...
that why you dun see any soup there..
i even use 2 cans lol..
why i saying my secrets out?...
that is if you can know how i cook lol...
and today need to hand in some work =-=...
homework that is...

just for fun lor...
nothing much ler ...
anyhow use here and there..
but did not turn out the way i want =\
it not even working here lol zzz
but it work on ....
and sian...
i forgot i want to buy the ear piece..
but dun have the one i want...
so maybe next time haha...
and in just about 2 days...
is gonna be my birthday ~w~
so i be careful lol..
just have to la..
if not i just ...
Dun Care...
Heck Care...
Anyhow Care...
Damn Care...
Good Day To All ci~~!
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