
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Walking Session over at STGCC 2012

Went for some walking session over at STGCC 2012 at Marina Bay Sand last Saturday, sure enough, I can say it sure worth the time, and probably some money.

What one can expect for the $15 entrance fee is sure a lot, though I didn't get to enjoy to the end, as I meeting up with my family at in later noon. Also Sunday I need to help dad out.

As for now, let take some peeking over at what I just take with my Iphone 4. Click on the photo to just view them, or you may scroll down and read a bit. 〆(・∀・@)

First off, there are many different things like Figurines, Lego Display, Cosplayers and many other more to Start Peeking on and at.

Even just as a Lego display, what is actually amazing about them is that there a lot, and I like how details they can made with just Lego block.

Well, the Troops in those display set is actually what caused many Sparkly Eye over at STGCC.

Also, Star War is very popular too, which Mr Danny Choo also like to cosplay as a Storm Trooper. There're also many other, from a Mini Lego Storm Trooper to Human size one.

Note sure if there are real one though.

But what actually is there are also many different battle ship ready to take off, even if they are just Lego display set.

They are very big too, which one must praise the people who made them, and having to bring them to this events site and setting them up, in order to be presentable.

Though there are many Cosplayers over at the events, what got me really shocked was that the normal Scale Storm Trooper look so giant when he near to those mini Troopers.

He not going to do any thing more than just staring around, and sometime taking a photo with some passer-by.

It still good to arm myself just in case, and if you're a Sword Art Online Wannabe, then you might want to grab some swords lying around, and at some good price.

All 4 of mine are grabbed from those events. But it never enough, since they can be use for both cosplaying and to whack away bad guys when in danger.

But I wonder if they break easily after one hit.

Of course, there're clothes to grab if you need some nice Anime tee to go along with your walking session.

I got my own, which in future I might consider grabbing from those store. Though I tend to grab over Uniqlo since I like their size which seem to fit me nicely.

I very big-sized, which mean I need to grab XL, and sometime XXL if it not enough.

There also some Figurines Shop like La Tendo, which is one of my favor peeking place, and I do have some figurines which I grabbed from them too.

Sometime for this type of events, it also the best time to grab some nice and cheap figurines with our clean hands. I even grabbed 5 of them during this events, which I will be posting them at later timing.

Also, please don't be surprised if there're some Anime Characters decided to grab their own or other figurines over at those booth.

Interestingly, there is an "Akihabara" in the event which got me wonder what item to grab. (・_・ヾ

Kind of want to grab an Oppai Mouse mat, but that will be consider at later future.

There also some cute Plushie up for grab too.

What got many Peekers to appear at these events is also due to the Figurine display set being Showcase around.

They are free to be photo-taking, and if you really wish to grab one of them, you can consider grabbing at the Store/Booth which are selling them. (`・ω・´)”

But one thing which cant be grab is those nice look glass casing, and the details base which those Figurines are standing over.

Can't forget that this STGCC was originally seem to be towards the western side of Comic, though Japanese Anime/Manga/Figurine later taken a big hit instead.

But it still good to peek at those Soldier ready for action at any time.

There are also some Soldiers Cosplayers, but they're not really loading despite holding their weapons and Patrolling around.

Sometime one can find one or a few taking a group photo during their Patrolling Session.

The Figurines in those Glass Case tend to be Photo-Taken more though.
Some Superheroes also decided to pose for this event too.

Some of them are also up for grabbing, and I do admit that I love to watch them when I was young, though that not much of hardcore now.

Most Peekers tend to take photo of those Figurines than Grabbing them. Well, they are Peeking, not Grabbing.

There also the Imba Gundam Cosplayer which I initially mistaken him as a Gundam Model in Stand-by mode.

Yes, there is someone inside the Gundam piloting it.

Due to the mass crowd in the events, this Gundam need someone to guide him around.

You can take a short peek below and see how difficult it was for him to just having a Walking Session in this events.

Well, since he is in the events, he do want to have some Peeking Session and checking out those Booths.

Just to be safe, he need to disarm himself before going up to those booths. But even so, he is approach by many, and no one seem to be afraid of him.

That including who walk near and pass him.

There are also different item able to grab which can't be found in any Normal Anime shop.

Even Naruto seem interested in some of the drawing.

Yes, there are some who sell their drawing, or other stuffs like Anime Badges, etcs in this events.

What made their unique is that they don't sell anyway.

Some of them are also good to Grab with Clean Hand, and the price is also reasonable for some too.

Those who sit down are also friendly, so don't be shy to go near and ask them about those items too.

And don't think no one visit those booths, I got a problem trying to walk though the crowds just to view those booths.

Wasn't able to take a few nice shots, and most of the booths got many interesting stuffs being showcasing around.

The "G" in STGCC stands for Game, and no doubt there are some games being showcasing around.

There are also different games to let many Visitors to try on, so they can try it later on when at home.

What's interesting is the fighting games, like Soul Caliber and Dragon Ball.

I never really play much on Xbox 360 Kinetic over at my friends' home and I don't own one, so I didn't know that there are some nice Exercising for the Xbox 360 Kinetic.

It sure got me Sparkly Eye Activated, and wanting to grab it with my Clean hands. But again, I might consider grabbing one at later Future, since I was holding to some other stuffs which was grabbed with my Clean hands.

What one can't missed out in those Events is Cosplayers having their Posing Session for the public Peekers who want to Photo-take them.

Take just 1 person to ask them to take a photo, and many passer-by will also take them too.

That also include me, though I was using my Iphone, and another reason why I'm considering grabbing a camera.

Also, not just the inside of the Event Hall that got some Cosplayers having their Posing Sessions.

Just outside is also fill with them.

Well, due to me grabbing and holding them around during my Peeking and Walking Session, this big bags sure also attracted some other Peekers who were shocked at how much I grabbed.

Black Rock Shooter Wallet given me the permission to grab Black Rock Shooter Figurines, since they're her anyway.

But I still get shot for grabbing some other, which I will reveal and showcase them at later posts/dates.
When one take a step out, the Staff will leave some marks on your body, so they will recognize it, in case you decided to take a U-turn and go into the Events hall again.

Since I was meeting up with my family, I need to leave early, since it kind of a long way from Marina Bay Sands back to Lot 1.

But even so, it sure was a nice and interesting Peeking, Walking and Grabbing Session for me on that day.

Going forward for another upcoming Event; The Games eXpo.

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