
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Mada's Walking Session at AFA 2012

Today did a very late post, since I just settle after a very long Walking Session over at the AFA 2012, it sure pack a crowd for the Morning and Afternoon.

The Night was starting to settle down, though many many items were out of Stock. Sword Art Online broke the Records by being one of the shop to be Out of Stock with nothing left for sale.

But for me, the First stop was to Danny Choo's Booth to get me a poster and some Carry Case, which I will be using. Of course, need to give my Name card around.

For those who had visit this blog from my Name card, I glad to know one more person, and hope you enjoy my Blog.

Of course what I needed was the Mirai Glossy Bag for me to keep all the papers and stuffs I grabbed during the Walking Session.

The Bag is a must have, and I was very happy that I grabbed that very first.

Anime Goods and Figurines can come later on, as I am very picky to choose which to buy, and the Items must activate my Sparkly Eyes.

Another Reason why I bought Mirai Goods was that it is very cute, and Cute Thing help to improve your Eye Sight.

Isn't Mirai a cute girl?

In anyway, I won't be doing much commenting for today, but I had uploaded many photo I had taken during my Walking Session to share with you.

I believe those Photos will speak on my behalf, and if you didn't get a chance to go AFA12, then I'm sure you'll get to see a few interesting stuffs below.

So take a peek at what I taken, and I'll be having another Walking Session.

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