
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Mada's Sunday Report 28 October 2012

This Week sure past by fast enough, and also seem to me that my Clean Hands gotten on a lot of different Clothing, which some of which are must-grab.

A walk over to Bugis to grab some hard disk with some nice clothes, and to think that I went to Woodland CauseWay Point again with my family to grab another set of clothes.

I even grabbed 2 different Hard Disk (2.5 and 3.5 internal) which I really need some more Space to store some anime for Anime Peeking, and some games at the same time.

And to improve the Sound Level in my room, gotten my Clean hands on a Speaker which turn out really not bad, but I need to get one converter for it to connect to my TV.

Though I using it now with my Iphone for some Music Listening, and I would say that it really not bad for a cheap Clean Hands Grabbing.

And for this week, let take some peek at what I been Peeking for Manga, Anime and Figurines.

Figurines Report
Mada's Figurines Report 22 October 2012

-Hayate no Gotoku! Anime Season 3
-Medaka Box Anime Season 2

-EverGreen (Manga)

Despite my napping around, I still peek into some anime, and there are more to continue for tomorrow, but like as usual, Monday normally start with Figurines Peeking, and sometime Anime Goods peeking.

There aren't much Anime to peek, is that the Time is not enough to let one peek finish them, and the same go for the Manga. If you don't peek into a lot of Series, then time might not be an issue though that is different for those who peek into a lot of different Series.

I even have some Light Novel Peeking myself for relaxation and listening to Music which mostly consist of Anime Songs, and some instrumental songs.

Still depend on each individual way of doing or peeking, but as for now, time for some Anime Peeking after Game Playing. You can click on the above Bold Blue Wordings to peek at what I been peeking, if you're interested.

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