
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Peeking on figurine 2

The contents will be reveal at later posts
Last Saturday went to A Certain Magical Events over at Garnet Room, Singapore Expo.

Did gotten my clean hands on a few figurines, and due to that, I would be taking some of the figurines again, but this time not with my Iphone.

I need to get some AA batteries for my camera, which I used to take most of my figurines photo.

Here is just some peek at what I going to post for the week.

I just gotten this, thank to my friend
As mentioned, I just recently gotten my clean hands on KuroNeko, and I would be taking some photo, and also some other figurines too.

As per how I going to do it, will be show in later posts, and I yet to show them in Facebook album too.

Even I need to play some games to relax myself, though I will be having some Driving Lessons this week, and some walking session at the same time.

I didn't take any photo for the A.C.M.E, due to that I was too shy to take one. (=x= |||)

But the Figurines which could only be obtained during that events is more enough to prove that I was there, somewhere.

I even meet up with some friends over that. Though I wonder about how I going to plan for this and next week, even my dad need my help too.

Some pretty nice events like TGX Expo, Comex and STGCC are coming up, so if you're interested to know some info, just click on those Bold blue Events to peek.

Check back tomorrow for more Figurines Photo after I've taken them at nice angle, if possible (=x= ||)

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