
Friday, April 20, 2012

Talking about Timing

While Mr Serious Danny is having fun with Check Time (@Danny Choo)

It also about the same timing that today is Friday, the end of the week days, and many are sure having their happy hours and enjoying.

Too be frank, I more on looking forward to next week, but for tomorrow session, it will be cleaning up the room and the house too.

I also need to get some spare batteries for my camera at the same time too.

Of course, Timing is very very important for me to do a proper planning, but one do not fully stick to the schedule planned. It still depend on how one managed the timing.

And It seem like Danny Choo released the Draclock Clock to be download.

One good time to add to your iPhone to let you know how you can better know of your time, and managing them.

I don't really Tell time in Japanese (@Danny Choo), but having the cute animation clock in the phone is not bad too. You can take a peek in the demo by Danny.

The character is from the Eroge Game of Yuzusoft, the Dracu-Riot. And since it an adult game, it would be for best if you be honest before taking a peek into the world of Dracu-Riot.

Well, you can take just a little though Danny's site for some picture and understanding (@Danny Choo).

As far as one can notice, and pointed by Mr Danny himself, Mirai is having a walk in the game itself.

If you are over 18, as stated by the site, then you can take a peek. (@Yuzusoft)

Well, as far as I concern, Time never stop, so I believe everyone will get to 18 very fast, and to think that I reaching 23 in 2 weeks time too.

One do not take Time for granted, since I believe many ensure that when meeting Friends or Clients etc, make sure that the meeting time is around the scheduled timing, and I'm sure that many wouldn't like waiting.

But my advise; it's alright to wait, once in a while.

There are many who studies and specialize in Time, but if you wish, you may take a peek for some little knowledge. (@Wiki)

Time is link to many thing in our lives; Time to sleep, eat, relax, shower etc. And I'm sure there are some who count the time to their "Off-Mode" during working; I no excuse myself.

There are no shame to this, plus Time play a big part in our life too, so it alright. And as many Manga/Anime/Games go about, Creator like to go around and about when "Time" come into play.

One good example would be Final Fantasy XIII-2 (13 Part 2).

I'm sure those who touched this game will know that the main characters travel though Time from Past to Present to Future.

One easy way to say about the Past, Present and Future; Yesterday is my Past, Now is my Present, and Tomorrow is my Future.

One cannot Foresight what happened after Present, but one can plan instead, so Time management and discipline is very important down here.

Although many M.A.G make use of Time Travel (@Wiki), but what I strongly believe is that what one choice made, it will affect the future.

Easy example; Depending on whether I want to go out and eat, my mother will decide to cook my share or not.

Main thing overall is don't regret over thing that happened.(*w* )

As for now, how about taking some time for a little break and relax after reading this post? (^w^ )

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