
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Midnight Snack with Winnie imouto

Mini Mochi, anyone?
Look like my imouto bought a lot of snacks after her walking session today.

And in consideration for Dad, she bought 3 different tasty flavor Mini Mochi Ball; Peanut, Sesame and Strawberry.

White Coco and Green Matcha
Another things to add to my sister's list of flavor is D'asses Biscuit.

As long as it this Japanese biscuit is the shelf, she will grab it with her clean hand very very fast. (*x* )

And how funny she decided to give something new for a try. o(>w<)o
Although the biscuit is no where as sweet as this.∑(O_O;)

As you guess, this is what Doremon like, but my sister buy this because she like Maple and Custard cream, she give me chocolate instead.

Not that it Valentine day or what, is just that she can't eat chocolate only.

Do tea come along with this?
And as long as it look tasty, my sister will grab it too, but both of us will try this out tomorrow instead.(`・ω・´)”

Just as you can see, it is a Muffin cake, and maybe I will be enjoying an English Breakfast tea with this.

Ahh~, Breakfast is ready to serve.
As for now, I will like to take a bite out of the Sushi which imouto had gotten for me, and also the time I need to take a sleep since I got another morning session tomorrow.

This time, my sister bought only one flavor; Egg. (*o* |||)

Well, nothing beat a good midnight snack bought by my sister though.

So small~
Sashimi Sauce!?
A must to have bisuit with Matcha

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