
Monday, February 27, 2012

Some new Figurines

About time that I open up this little box here, and let Nami to come out, although the weather here in the afternoon seem to have a little shower when i post this out.

Bought this at Yamakawa Super at The Central, Clarke Quay, Singapore, when me and my mother was taking a little walk down from Chinatown to Funan IT Mall.

Lucky this was discounted to $5 (SGD) and it was the last one in the shelves. Although there are a few Yamakawa Super in Singapore, unless I got the time, I'll just take a little peek inside.

Currently I placing Nami next to Rei, since the 2 of them are also bought from the same place and were manufactured from the same company, Bandai.

So Rei right is busy introducing my room to Nami at the moment, but they did have some spare moment to let me take a few quick photo, but at a little cost since Nami charge some money for the photo-taking...
Currently I watching the Korean Drama, City Hunter with my family.

Yes, the story is based on the Japanese City Hunter Manga, which I did read it when i about 5-6yrs, and was still living with my grandparents instead. 

It was and still owned by my Uncle, which he introduce to me, and sadly at that point of time, I was too young to know what Manga is.

After watching the video, I will going to take a look and read on some of my favorite manga that had been translated to English on-line, and I will introduce them a bit on the story, at a later time.

But for now, maybe I will just take a little bite on that little, and yet delicious cookie. (*u^ )

More Photo of Nami and Rei Figurine

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