
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Things to do....and things dun wish to do....

what things i dun want to do...
let me see...
let wonder...
maybe make this blog short and nice...
cos tml i not going to school...
die lor...
dun go....
got many things need to do...
hope tml can do all things and then i can do my own stuff and assignments...
hate it when someone give me some late min things...
so now i say...
dun ask me why dun go....

and now....
let me see...
nothing much happen today...
but can say do go and check out the crunchyroll for new anime...
but if u too impatient den go

let me count ...
now i more concern on the D-gray man showing on Central...
if next week really got...
then next week is 61ep which the crunchyroll still not show out yet...
unless that is i count wrongly..
so need to check that out...

also what i going to do tml?..
it something i dun wish to talk about anyway...
so dun ask...
but u might find me outside..
over here and over there!

and now...
one of my friends got feet swollen...
like dun know tell to go see doctor how many times...
say dun want to ...
promised liao and still dun go...
dun know how to make her.....
see her feet swollen and she keep saying very pain...
dun know how to help her when she dun even want to go see doctor...

today lose a bet...
say i wunt sit near to a gal...
in the end is the gal sit near to me...
but i got proof that she got a bf !
and it is NOT me...
think i have to sleep a bit early?..

beware of Y_Y virus...
it will make the victim thinks he Y-Y..
and will talk in funny...
in which other dun understand...
and u will find out that ur english fail....
haha sad...

think that all for today...


Dun care...

Heck care...

Anyhow Care!


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