
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dun hate the movie...hate the selling movie ticket at lot 1...

today is so boring....
so tiring..
want to slack....
later play play station...
back to console games XD

too long never play them so want to play back...
should not go see movie today..
BeoWulf is nc 16..
so under 16 not allow...
but so far i gone many cinema...
buy tickets never asked for identity card....
but this time ...

that old aunt ask me for it zzzz
make me sooo mad...
say 2.50pm...she keep saying 2.10pm la...
say about 5-6 times...
and repeat again zzz
den i say 5 of us...
she say want to see my ic...
so i give her see lor...
then i say 5 tickets..
"what the...she deaf or what?"

she say want see ic...
so i say you see le..
she say she want to see all 5 ic...
"pissed...never mind..she old..let her..."

dun know how to say her...
i say my father, mother, sister and her bf....
sister not 16 ...
so i bluff say all over 16 le
she say cant...must see....
"really she ok or not...."

i say ....
if i buy 3 only and is my father and mother...can buy or not..

she say....
still must see all 3 IC...

i say...
my parent all over my age le....
u saw my ic liao...i 18 ler...
where got parent younger den their children 1 lar..

she say...
i still need to see their IC....

my thought" what the hell...she really ok or not!?"
i say...
you think my parents are younger den me!?!?

she say....
maybe....must see IC pls....
"Pissed until explode"

i shout...(and really loud...)

"walk away feeling mad and pissed"

until now i dun know that old aunt ok or not...
go other cinema they never ask...
but here she ask...
want to whack her..
but cannot....

make me so pissed and mad...
dun know what to say about her at all...
i waste about 5 min..
saying and telling..
she there make me mad...
still dare say parent younger den their children...
if like that how i born 1?...

say only 16 and over can see..
dare say want see IC...
never mind..
wait the CD out go buy lor...
see that time see how she dare want see IC or not...
buy le go home see not like any1 will know a 10plus seeing R21 anyway...

think of this make me rmd another 1...
that time i go popular buy 1 cd...
but i 5 more day to birth day to 18....
yet i go buy...

this is the worst then the movie 1...

she say i must wait for another 5 more day den can buy...
make me so mad that i go other cd buy they never bother to ask for my IC
and sell the cd to me...

want to say they stupid dun want to sell their goods...
the 1 who sell is good...
dun care ur age and let you buy...
care the age and dun let you buy...
never mind...
other shop will sell...
want to buy and give you the money...
dun want..
purposely ask for IC...

want to say they want to be funny or what..
IC so nice to see?..
i give you see until happy...

after 5 day...
i go back that popular...
very lucky she still there...
cant stress it but she and old aunt...
if all old aunt want to see IC den sell item..
might as well go retire and see their OWN IC...

i go back to her and show her my IC...
she say..." huh? you want to buy?

i say "Dun need...bought 1 last 5 day ago!"
"now dun want to buy from you"
den walk away...
dun want to see her face at all...
that 1 make me soo mad...

ok back to report writing...
tomorrow need to hand it in anyway...

then tomorrow think got presentation...
maybe got..
and maybe not...

today write report dun care go hand in later...
later see some manga before sleeping....
also go check more manga in anime-eden for download..
if not go to to check and see the manga on-line...
tsubasa lastest one...
dun know what will happen to Sakura and Syaoran...
but cant wait for them
then finally...
buy this manga so long...
now then start to read....

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya!

anyway now just started to read XS
it bit old to read it now...
but who care anyway...
also the lastest naruto chapter...
cant imagine that Jiraya hermit mode is...
to somehow make him look like a frog or toad...

and for D-gray man one...
cannot think how come Allen walker can play the piano to control the Ark..
think maybe he a Noah?
that is many guess for many....

think that all for today....

just ...

Dun care....

Heck care......

Anyhow Care!

G-D-T-A-!- (-_-*)(")

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