after doing the works....
study for some other test for gem...
play some game....
after all...
need to balance out the day of work..
i need to play some game...
if get stress....
i will get stress out until headache...
but the deadline for the work is monday...
so must get it done ASAP
but think if like this...
maybe i won't get a works or job when i graduate...
but this time is do a maze...
so headache...
but at least my computer got the installer i need...
or i be dead meat....
but still need to play...
so today play 1 dota match...
today use Axe....
early farm and kill very fast...
late game good tankers...
but all gang on me cos they scared of me..
and due to this....
my team can push and kill back very fast...
but terror blade buy blink just to chase me .....
den i dun want to do anything ...
then depression again....
that why .....
the words...
Dun care, heck care anyhow care come...
during my secondary life...
dun have this word of mine...
so stress until go crazy....
now dun know why my frends copy the mad dal walker....
and dun care , heck care, and anyhow care...
dun care them anyway...
but care for a broken nail....XD
i once got sick for broken nail....
cos due to disease...
that why i hate when my nail get broken....
so far the work of my assignment not even finish..
and i dun even want to blog..
but nvm...
now blog lor...
not like i care anyway XD
but my skin got problem...
what problem?..
see this ...
my skin not so good....
look a bit bad but ...
need to wash it many times with a special soap
and sometime it get like this ....
it look ok ....
but dun say it look worst....
it just normal problem...
i hope....
and due to this....
i cant eat beef and bean type food or drinks anymore....
very sad...
have to hold and bear with it anyway...
just now eat a bit too much...
later need to drink a lot of water too....
den go toilet....maybe....
den drink some tea for fat reduce =x
anyway i hope my skin is getting better...
a day ago it was more worst ..a bit...
sad this few day morning rain...
but make the day so cool...
make me sleep even more.....
but my sister and i want to go for early morning 5am exercise....
so maybe tomorrow morning.....
so today say the Mad Dal Walker each words mean XS
mad now is Maker and Destroyer....
but during my secondary life....
when i mad...i whack people for pissing me...
no more XD
Dal....Dark and Light....
when light...i like to go out and play and do many thing....
but when dark.....i depress and stay at home no matter what....
light i be happy and dark i be depress..
sound so complicated...
but i am complicated at that time and being now too....
now sometime still got...
but go through consoling ..
den last ..walker....
if you see D-gray man...
den i dun need to say it anymore..
but walker for me is need to cont walking..
and i like to walk..
so when i go out...
even if tired...
i still go and walk around ...
but full name is Mad Fai Dal Walker....
it mean fire and ice...
i sometime got ill easy due to overheat or way too cold....
the skin i show earlier...
another reason is heat or cold...
so it got Fai..
but Mad Dal Walker sound simple....
and now for other Crazy mad words XD
M.O.H(ministry of health)~~~>Me over here!
Mood~~~> Mother's over-cooked olive Dish
Eye~~~> Every Yetis Escape.....maybe...
Maybe~~~> Mother Already Yesterday Bought Electronic....
Rat~~~> Resting At There~!
Won~~~> Wedding on New-Zealand XD
Lost~~~>Looking Over Sorting Tree....whatever it mean....
that all
Dun Care...
Heck Care.....
G.D.T.A.! (~.<)("-)
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