OK!!! finally done 2 of my assignment, so i "DUN CARE HECK CARE AND ANYHOW CARE!!"
Also tsubasa (tong li comic) have out vol 20, so those who are impatient go get it!! but my sis still waiting for the chuang yi (both chinese and english) one which still at vol 15 -_-'' but i too impatient tt i download to see le, but will be deleting them when i get the manga.
Also i am shocked when the anime, D-Gray Man is still continuse on the Japan!! esp 53 in crunchyroll!, why go and see it !!! it in japan lang but got end sub! i am sure very excited when if they are going to show about allen going to die(but he will survive!)
Anyway, dun spoilt the spoiler XD
but now my frends like to say "Dun care Heck care" XD
when it come to arcade racing" Midnight Max. Tune" i was abit headache as i not very on manual gear, but my frends say dun use auto, they are fu*king slow! so i use manual, but it take just a few sec to get use to it anyway XP.
So i did win them, as they are very mad not just that i say i not good on manual gear but able to take control and learn the manual gear but i use a 250 horse power rx-8 to win their 280h.p cars XD.
but i only make this today =S
got this few cards and just keeping them for fun =X
Also tsubasa (tong li comic) have out vol 20, so those who are impatient go get it!! but my sis still waiting for the chuang yi (both chinese and english) one which still at vol 15 -_-'' but i too impatient tt i download to see le, but will be deleting them when i get the manga.
Also i am shocked when the anime, D-Gray Man is still continuse on the Japan!! esp 53 in crunchyroll!, why go and see it !!! it in japan lang but got end sub! i am sure very excited when if they are going to show about allen going to die(but he will survive!)
Anyway, dun spoilt the spoiler XD
but you might go and see them too...
now that some assignment are done...
i might take some relax time and try playing Never ending RO XD
of cos i like trying out new game anyway.
but i still like racing game IF they are good! =x
Okay! nothing much to say again XD but i will taking down new thing each day just for fun! (>.^)
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