
Thursday, September 6, 2007

Some "mad" short words u need to look out~~~

MAD-->Maker and Destoryer
DAL-->Dark and Light
Sis-->Somewhere in Singapore
DUN-->Don't use Nippon
Mother--> Mum on the hotel eating rambutan
ACER-->Alway crush everytime reformat (this my frend say de lol)
HP--> Help Pay (maybe that y their computer so expensive..)
NEC-->Never Ever Crush (i wonder if they are so good?)
PR(per. resident)-->Powerful Raper (from of one my crazy frend -_-'')

do u noe when u say "Dum" in fornt of some1,
u can say it mean "Don't use me" diaozz

got many to type but i bit of tired to think liao
maybe i just too bo liao le

just to remind me too on what i be writing up on lol

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