
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Mada's Sunday Report 31 March 2013

The day sure is funny with the sudden rain in the afternoon, but this time around to think that I still go out for some short walking session and to grab some nice stuffs with my clean hands.

It been 1 years since last my computer was setup by my friend, which I later starting with this blog, and this time, I went to go for a little bit of upgrading; A nice Graphic Card and a new Case.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Reading Manga on a raining day

My Whole family are all watching their own favor Anime or Drama, but for me, I reading some manga since I grabbed a few with my clean hand.

Better still would be the nice rainy late afternoon which made it a nice prefect weather to sleep on. I wish it rain at night instead, but it not bad to cool off the hot weather.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mada's Anime Goods Report 28 March 2013

Sometimes getting a collection of some anime goods can have a strange feeling where you felt accompanied on having what you want.

That is having a set of collection, which I personally sometime would get a set of anime goods myself.

But we going to have some simple one first.

Stepping into Tera Online

I been playing Tera Online for some time now, which really costed me to stop most of the stuffs I doing, like reading Manga and watching Anime.

I still got some PS3 games to finish up but getting heading into this game isn't all that bad.

Just that I need some time to train and doing the quests. But still, I need to some blogging myself.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mada's Figurines Report 26 March 2013

This we will be peeking at some nice and cute girls, and of course there are some powerful one which need to be careful.

But since they're pretty cute, that shouldn't be a problem at all.

Walking Around with Family

Did went out for some walking session with my family, and of course there were some item grabbing with clean hands, and some tasty bites.

To think that my Imouto didn't ate her Breakfast and Lunch and having to endure the hungry until 4pm just to take her first bites.

In anyways, getting back late home and having some quick shower and some short family chatting before heading back to bed.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mada's Sunday Report 24 March 2013

Weather isn't that very good for this past few days and the days to come. I been feeling thirsty and even my mum is feeling the same.

And I been in the toilet for some time due to stomach upset, but I still get some books to read which is better than staring at the plain white tile wall.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Peek and Grab on a little walking trip

About time to get busy, and really, very busy in reading some new books and playing some games.

Did went to Kinokuniya to get some fresh new stock of books, and of course went back home right away since the books are all so heavy.

Well to take a few walking and peeking around, like new games, some clothes and stuffs. Of course I did grabbed some new clothes for my dad since my mum asking me to go out and have a look out. Just that the weather isn't nice for this few day, like getting very hot, or a sudden rain and stopping after a while.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dragons Rioting

Dragons Raiden

Creator(Artist) - Watanabe Tsuyoshi

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Napping till lost track of time


To think that I taken a little nap to the point that I lost track of time for a few times. Well, I am unwell due to the weather for a few days, but still not that worst.

Just that I need to take a nap when I need it. I do peek into Manga and Light Novels when I not sleeping. Still there are some interesting Anime which I going to finish peeking before the new Season starting.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mada's Anime Goods Report 19 March 2013

This week got a few stuffs that caught my Sparkly Peeking Eye, and of course those anime goods are very cute.

And as I said many times, peeking at cute thing are good for the Peeking Eyes. So let peek at them!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Mada's Figurines Report 18 March 2013

Seem that there are a few nice figurines up for grabbing, but now that I noticed, it seem like this week we will be peeking at some strong and powerful girls.

No worry about it since they are all very pretty and cute too. So let take a peek first.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Mada's Sunday Report 17 March 2013

Sunday again and to think that the day pass by again so fast. Peek into some Manga and playing some games are fine, but there are still Anime to peek and yet I don't know which one to start.

But first a weekly post again what I been up to, and to think that this time I post on 3 different Manga series this time.

I was hoping to go for more but that enough for now. I do need to start with Figurines Report which I hope there are some nice new updates. And also awaiting for new Anime to be release for the upcoming Season, which is the Spring time~

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Toilet Renovation Nearing it finishing

Ok, now the toilet is all done and ready to use, NOT!

The new floor tiles, new basin and toilet bowl are pretty much done and ready to use, but the only that are costing the most problem for the using of the toilet is that it lack of a door.

If you don't mind then maybe yes, but only on Monday will the new door be coming over and fit in. So now, I just have to paint the water pipe to make it freshly new.

My mother did the first coat but I still need to fill in some part and do the second coating. At first the pipe was dirty due to the renovation and there are many dirt from some more hacking off and stuffs.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Classmate to Meikyuu no Futekisetsu na Kouryakuhou

Classmate (♀) to Meikyuu no Futekisetsu na Kouryakuhou
Improper Capture Method of Classmate & Labyrinth

Creator - Konya Yukio

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Peeking around again 9

To think that I been playing PS3 Game and Reading Light Novel to the point that I forgotten about my blog today again.

Well, figurines report will be up next week Monday since there are a few Figurine that caught my interest, and today my Imouto want to bite on some Angel Hair Spaghetti.

Don't ask me why Angel Hair, but since it long and thin like a hair, I can understand that. But Angel hair?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Toilet Renovation Day 3

Today the day where the Main Toilet is undergoing some hacking of old tiles, so there are obviously a lot of noise and duct. Just that I do hope that the surrounding neighbors aren't that mind of the noise.

It only for today, since starting for tomorrow it will be adding of waterproof membrane and screed. Problem was the Natural Wind today love to visit our house though the Kitchen Window, so there a lot of duct in the living room.

Well time for some clean was in place.

Another Years Pass by again

I should be doing this earlier in February, I decided to push it a month later to do it. Thank you for reading this blog with me for another year which I resume last year in February.

That was the same timing as when I got a computer and able to do some blogging.

And today was to not only receive my thanks, but to look back at the Second year of the Japan greatest Earthquake and Tsunami.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sakamoto desu ga?

Sakamoto desu ga?
Are you Sakamoto?

Creator - Sano Nami

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Mada's Sunday Report 10 March 2013

Sunday come and past again so fast, especially when I was playing some PS3 Games for now.

Yet the funny thing is that having some Manga which were on my Peeking list to pop out around now when I wished for them to be release earlier for peeking.

Anyway it still good that they still out to be peek, but I still want to complete some of the PS3 Games, and I just finished up the Main Story of One Piece Pirate Warrior.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Playing some PS3 Games

Well, I did grab 2 PS3 Games and start playing with it right off. As much as I love Project Diva F and wanting to unlock the Black Rock Shooter Song. I had to on hold that and go with One piece.

Reason simple, it the only games that can have multi player and my Imouto want to play with it.

Even when it based off Dynasty Warrior, the game style sure is so different, that I more like RPG with Hack and Slash Dynasty Warrior style.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Toilet Renovation Day 2

Well, today is actually painting of the copper pipe on the same toilet which was renovated yesterday.

Since Copper Pipe can be easily rust or corrosive, I had to go to the Market and grab one small can of Glossy Paint to give the Copper Pipe one protective layer.

I was hoping for a even smaller can, but this is the smallest the shop can offer which cost SGD$ 17 and  SGD$2 for the paint brush. Don't ask me why I grab a Nippon Paint brush with a Dulux Paint, I just ask the shop which is better and what they can advice and offer.

With the stuffs I needed, of course I headed home while grabbing some bite in between to start the painting.

So let take a little peek at what and how I paint the copper pipe.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Toilet Renovation Day 1

Today there was some renovation done at my Parents' Toilet, and of course it was very noisy and messy, but I had to give praise to the 2 workers who come and done the little renovation.

My dad change the Toilet bowl and Basin, and a last minute add on of a heater for showering since the kitchen toilet will have a 4-day full toilet renovation.

Just seeing the change toilet had shown to have a lot of work and mess, I can imagine how worst the Main toilet can get.

Fukanzen Shinsei Kikan Iris

Fukanzen Shinsei Kikan Ilis
Iris the Incomplete Divinity Android

Creator - Sazane Kei
[Same Creator of Hyouketsu Kyoukai no Eden]

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mada's Figurines Report 6 March 2013

Well, it would seem that there are many character figurines this week which most of them are my favor.

I do stare at my figurines in a while to refresh my peeking eye and improving it eyesight. And since the girls are so cute, I tend to have a weird face expression.

I do want to wonder what face I made, but let take a peek at this week figurines.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Having Plans all messed up

Having new Volumes of Manga out would just mean that it time for me to go and get them. But if this keep up, maybe I will have a series of books on top of me someday in the future.

But anyway, I got my plan all mess up due to last minute Imperial Order from dad. However, as due to the reason of my Grandmother having to take a trip to the Hospital, this had to be done.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Mada's Anime Goods Report 4 March 2013

Felt like doing a quick nap, but didn't noticed that I was almost take a long trip to Dreamland.

But anyway, this week we will be peeking a few collection of item from a few series. And they so useful, look good with, and top of it, simple.

Anime Stuffs can be seem as Stuffs that got anime characters on them. On other hand, they are stuffs with Fans of the Anime and Manga would like to have.

Some collect, some uses them, some show off, while some buy them to decorate the home or admire them.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mada's Sunday Report 3 March 2013

Oh Great, now Sunday just had to end so fast, with tomorrow being a fresh new Monday.

As for what I been up to, I just been peeking into my Dreamland since I was very tired helping my dad out in the morning today.

Well, I got myself a funny dream, but let take a peek at what I been up to.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Shokugeki no Soma

Shokugeki no Sōma
Souma's Cooking

Creator - Yuto Tsukuda